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Intercessory prayer in Moses
06 June 2021Fr. Luca Garbinetto  

Intercessory prayer in Moses

Our whole life can be illuminated by Moses’ journey of prayer, who learned to pray and exercised it. It applies to us as well, in a progressive passage of maturation.

Morte. Morte?
03 June 2021Rarden Pedrosa, scj  

Morte. Morte?

Death. Death? the same word in opposite intonations. Philosophy as the "mother of wisdom" is faced with a problem involving man, world, time, etc.  Fr. Rarden Pedrosa publishes a philosophical reflection on the Heideggerian perspective

Clashes? No, Peace in the Middle East
30 May 2021Francesco Sisci  

Clashes? No, Peace in the Middle East

A critical reading of the current tension between Israel and Palestine, in the context of Middle East politics

J.G. Hernández: the Venezuelan ideal in an ideal Venezuelan
24 May 2021P. Antonio Teixeira scj  

J.G. Hernández: the Venezuelan ideal in an ideal Venezuelan

On April 30, 2021, Venezuelan physician G. Hernández was beatified. His life was and still remains important for Venezuelans of yesterday and today. But not only that.

The Dehonians of Northern Italy prepare for the XXIII Chapter
17 May 2021Marco Mazzotti e Antonio Viola  

The Dehonians of Northern Italy prepare for the XXIII Chapter

The various phases through which the preparation took place. The areas explored in the present situation and the prospects for the future. Expanded participation, the difficulties encountered, the questions that emerged, the proposals and a big obstacle: the pandemic. All of which are reflected in the Instrumentum laboris.

Francis and Capitalism
10 May 2021Franco Romano  

Francis and Capitalism

Pope Francis grafts himself into the tradition of the Church's social teaching.

France: secularity between freedom and suspicion
03 May 2021P. Lorenzo Prezzi scj  

France: secularity between freedom and suspicion

If passed, the law bearing the title For the Respect of the Principles of the French Republic will transform the climate of mutual trust into a regime of distrust, limitation and control.

The Prayer of Question
26 April 2021Luca Garbinetto  

The Prayer of Question

In the midst of a pandemic, more or less all of us, sooner or later, have asked ourselves "how come?", and as believers we have addressed to God for an invocation or a supplication: "but why Lord? Do I lack faith if I try to understand?". Or we have been disappointed, when God - at least it seems - did not answer, "but then, does He really exist?"

The European Union and Syria
19 April 2021Riccardo Cristiano  

The European Union and Syria

For the first time, the crimes perpetrated by the Syrian regime and recounted by survivors have found legal acceptance in the International Criminal Court of the European Union.

Hans Küng’s death
11 April 2021Franco Valenti  

Hans Küng’s death

Hans Küng's death at the age of 93 years old has stirred up more than 50 years of theological dialectics

“…as if it was written by a Dehonian!”
18 March 2021André Lorenz  

“…as if it was written by a Dehonian!”

Interview with the Superior General on "Fratelli Tutti"

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