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Fr. Falke turns the everyday into art
08 July 2021Wendy-Ann Clarke  

Fr. Falke turns the everyday into art

A long life dedicated not only to pastoral service, but to art and music. At the age of 93, he was still creating works of art. Who was Fr. Herman Falke? A Dehonian artist.

From community to fraternity
05 July 2021Rino Cozza, csj  

From community to fraternity

Today it is evident that vocation for discipleship, as it presents itself in its visible aspects of real life, is struggling to attract new people of quality and creativity. This is also due to the fact that the premises of many models of religious life are not viable today even from the theological aspect.

Neuhold’s critical study. An evaluation
01 July 2021Alfredo Verdoy  

Neuhold’s critical study. An evaluation

The Spanish Magazine Estudios eclesiasticos has published a critical reading of David Neuhold's book on Fr. Dehon.

The church and social justice
28 June 2021Samuele Bignotti  

The church and social justice

An encounter, with an ecumenical focus and the Church's commitment to social justice, between Fratelli tutti of Pope Francis and Per la vita del mondo, towards a social ethos of the Orthodox Church, signed by Patriarch Bartholomew in 2020.

Why want to be something, when you can become someone?
20 June 2021P. Daniel Kouobou scj  

Why want to be something, when you can become someone?

For more than a decade we have been witnessing progressive globalization of crises in the world, the current pandemic of COVID-19 is the most powerful manifestation.  The author proposes ways of renewing humanity in each of us and in a global way, starting from a re-reading of the consequences of the current crisis caused by Covid-19.

Faith to React, Reinvent Yourself and Start Over!
17 June 2021Gilberto Heleno, scj  

Faith to React, Reinvent Yourself and Start Over!

Fr. Gilberto Heleno scj recently published a book on faith: "The present book," he writes, "intends to encourage the reader in the search for faith and to apply it in the concreteness of his daily life."

Public value of votes
14 June 2021Elsa Antoniazzi  

Public value of votes

In this time of pandemic, it is not a question of understanding religious life to be in crisis, but of finding a sensibility that permeates everyday life when one's regular life is forced to close in on itself. What is the role of religious life in our cities?

It’s all about love
10 June 2021Colleen Jurkiewicz  

It’s all about love

Returning love for love — that’s the devotion to the Sacred Heart, returning love to Jesus by loving others, especially those most needing love.”

Intercessory prayer in Moses
06 June 2021Fr. Luca Garbinetto  

Intercessory prayer in Moses

Our whole life can be illuminated by Moses’ journey of prayer, who learned to pray and exercised it. It applies to us as well, in a progressive passage of maturation.

Morte. Morte?
03 June 2021Rarden Pedrosa, scj  

Morte. Morte?

Death. Death? the same word in opposite intonations. Philosophy as the "mother of wisdom" is faced with a problem involving man, world, time, etc.  Fr. Rarden Pedrosa publishes a philosophical reflection on the Heideggerian perspective

Clashes? No, Peace in the Middle East
30 May 2021Francesco Sisci  

Clashes? No, Peace in the Middle East

A critical reading of the current tension between Israel and Palestine, in the context of Middle East politics

J.G. Hernández: the Venezuelan ideal in an ideal Venezuelan
24 May 2021P. Antonio Teixeira scj  

J.G. Hernández: the Venezuelan ideal in an ideal Venezuelan

On April 30, 2021, Venezuelan physician G. Hernández was beatified. His life was and still remains important for Venezuelans of yesterday and today. But not only that.

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