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“A once in a lifetime opportunity”
07 September 2023

“A once in a lifetime opportunity”

In August Fr. Henry Nguyen, SCJ, province vocation director, accompanied Dehonian youth from the US Province to World Youth Day in Portugal.

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (11)
17 July 2023Aimone Gelardi scj (ed.)  

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (11)

Fr. Barnabas (Claudius) Charcosset (1848-1912) was a very spiritual priest but at the same time very engaged in social and pastoral life. He became general counselor and assistant general.

Interview with the Superior General
05 July 2023Ricardo Freire, scj  

Interview with the Superior General

"The Heart of Jesus, as our Founder told us so well, continues to be our great treasure."

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (10)
28 June 2023Aimone Gelardi scj (ed.)  

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (10)

Fr. Sacerdos (Alexander) de Pascal was Fr. Dehon's friend, but he left the congregation after "Consummatus est" (April 22, 1884).
Fr. Claudius (Albert) Lobbé was pastor and general councilor. He was one of the most tenacious opponents of Fr. Dehon during the 1893 and 1896 general chapters.

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (9)
21 June 2023Aimone Gelardi scj (ed.)  

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (9)

P. Martino-Maria (Agostino) Waguet, Padre Agostino (Leo) Herr (1855-1904). Padre Paolo della Croce (Arturo) Delgoffe (1861-1944), Padre Pietro della Natività (Emilio) Bertrand (1863-1946), Padre Benedetto (Giuliano) Lequeux (1861-1908)

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (8)
14 June 2023Aimone Gelardi scj (ed.)  

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (8)

Fr. Paul Marie (Alfredo) Philippot, Fr. Giacomo Maria (Ernesto) Herr (1856-1929), Fr. Bartolomeo Maria (Edmondo) Dessons (1852-1923)

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (7)
17 May 2023Aimone Gelardi scj (ed.)  

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (7)

Fr. Thaddeus Captier was an intelligent and erudite person, but also scrupulous, exalted, visionary, unable to guide himself and others. And nevertheless he was welcomed into the congregation by Fr. Dehon

What Church today? Returning to the origins of the Church
22 April 2023Salvo Coco  

What Church today? Returning to the origins of the Church

The daily life of the early Christians was inspired by baptism. And today? There is still a long way to go to fully realise the Second Vatican Council.

Leo Dehon: leaving the sacristy and going to the people
08 April 2023Primo Corbelli  

Leo Dehon: leaving the sacristy and going to the people

"The Church is not an enemy of progress. But... what progress can there be without work, what social welfare without justice? True progress is that of human dignity" (Father Dehon).

Open sources
11 March 2023

Open sources

Letter for March 14, 2023.

Lenten Penance and the Synodal Journey
22 February 2023

Lenten Penance and the Synodal Journey

Messaggio of Pope Francis for Lent

The meaning of Lent
20 February 2023Primo Corbelli, scj  

The meaning of Lent

For the Church, the most important celebration of the year is Easter. That is why there is an extraordinary time of preparation that takes forty days. It is a period of forty days that begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with Palm Sunday.

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