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Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (6)
06 February 2023Aimone Gelardi scj (ed.)  

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (6)

Fr. Francis Xavier (Philip) Lamour (1843-1921), assumed various positions in the Congregation and became General Councilor. Fr. Dehon remembers him as a person who was "too mystical." He was sent by Fr. Dehon to Palestine to found two houses in Nazareth and Bethany, but the project failed.

The Séminaire du Sacré-Coeur launches a fundraising campaign
03 February 2023

The Séminaire du Sacré-Coeur launches a fundraising campaign

Dehonians in Canada founded the "Séminaire du Sacré-Coeur" in 1953. This year marks 70 years of its foundation. The Dehonians started a foundraising campaign.

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (5)
31 January 2023Aimone Gelardi scj (ed.)  

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (5)

P. Matías Maria (Orfila) Legrand (1849-1925) was a close friend of Fr. Dehon since his youth. He joined the Congregation and held several offices, including General Councilor. He died a day after Fr. Dehon's death.

Brother Biagio: the revolution of the saints
17 January 2023Giuseppe Savagnone  

Brother Biagio: the revolution of the saints

Brother Biagio Conte died on January 12, 2023 at the age of 59. He was an Italian lay missionary. He was a hermit and founded the "Mission of Hope and Charity" in Palermo to try to respond to the dramatic situations of poverty and marginalization of the people of his hometown; he dedicated his life to it and to evangelization.

With Pope Francis we want to reaffirm that “no one is saved alone”!
09 January 2023Comissão Provincial para a Justiça e Paz e Integridade da Criação (PT)  

With Pope Francis we want to reaffirm that “no one is saved alone”!

The Provincial Commission for Justice and Peace and the Integrity of Creation proposes this brief reflection to the Confreres and to the entire Dehonian Family on the message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 56th World Day of Peace, scheduled, as always, for January 1, 2023.

YEZU TU – Only Jesus
22 December 2022

YEZU TU – Only Jesus

Letter for Christmas 2022

150 years anniversary of the foundation of the Saint-Joseph Patronage in Saint-Quentin
19 December 2022Stefan Tertünte, scj  

150 years anniversary of the foundation of the Saint-Joseph Patronage in Saint-Quentin

A historical report on the Patronage of Saint Joseph.

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (4)
14 December 2022Aimone Gelardi scj (ed.)  

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (4)

Fr. Falleur is known today through the "Cahiers Falleur," the notebooks he wrote as novice writing down Fr. Dehon's instructions. He was a close collaborator of Fr. Dehon. He became general treasurer and thanks to this office he collected Fr. Dehon's correspondence that we still preserve today.

“Dare to dream big!”
12 December 2022

“Dare to dream big!”

Advent is the time of Hope, we await the fulfillment of the Promise, we wait for the Redeemer, the one who saves! Hope is a virtue and an attitude that drives us to go always forward.

Against Christians
06 December 2022Antonio Dall'0sto scj  

Against Christians

The new Annual Report on the Persecution of Christians published by the Vienna-based Observatory on Intolerance and Discriminations Against Christians in Europe (OIDAC) was released on November 14

The Lord’s Advent: Waiting for the One who is never absent!
27 November 2022Eduardo Nunes Pugliesi, scj  

The Lord’s Advent: Waiting for the One who is never absent!

November 27, 2022 marked the beginning of a new time for spirituality and liturgy for Roman Rite Catholics. This is Advent. But, after all, what is this time? What is it about? How has it emerged throughout the history of the Church?

German Bishops in Rome: Parallel Convergences
23 November 2022Lorenzo Prezzi scj  

German Bishops in Rome: Parallel Convergences

The 62 prelates of Germany, in their ad limina visit (Nov. 14-18), maintained the substance of the conclusions, not yet fully final, of the Synodaler Weg. The Vatican curia and the pope made no secret of their disagreement and perplexity.

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