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Illness, Fragility, Community
11 February 2022Comunità dehoniana di Bolognano  

Illness, Fragility, Community

The elderly Dehonians who are in the S. Cuore Residence in Bolognano d'Arco (TN) tell how they live this stage of their lives.

Latin America: religious and social transformation
31 January 2022Marco Bernardoni  

Latin America: religious and social transformation

From February 2-4, the Justice Coalition of Religious launches a educational campaign in Latin America.

Letter from a missionary in Albania
23 January 2022P. Gianni Dimiccoli scj  

Letter from a missionary in Albania

P. Gianni Dimiccoli scj tells about his experience in Albania

Persecutions and Christianophobia
23 January 2022Lorenzo Prezzi scj  

Persecutions and Christianophobia

5,898 dead, of 5,110 churches destroyed, of 6,175 prisoners. There are 360 million Christians at risk

Time and history toward what salvation?
11 January 2022Anna Maria Gellini  

Time and history toward what salvation?

A new year begins. Let us reread 2021 in the light of faith.

There Are No Retired Missionaries
09 January 2022Gian Quinto Regazzoni  

There Are No Retired Missionaries

When the Spirit of God reaches a person, it is not possible to live without proclaiming the good news of God's love and projecting oneself to others.

“Sentinel, how long until the dawn?”
17 December 2021

“Sentinel, how long until the dawn?”

Letter for Christmas 2021

Leone Dehon, man and gentleman
13 December 2021Aimone Gelardi scj  

Leone Dehon, man and gentleman

Dehon wrote a great deal and not always in an original, critical and scientific way. The material available online and edited by the Centro Studi Dehoniani should stimulate research conducted in a scientific way, in order to "bring out the image of a Christian and holy man who has much to say to each one of us and to the Church".

Advent, monastic time
06 December 2021Elia Ercolino  

Advent, monastic time

The advent of Christmas, is a propitious occasion to return to rethink, with a soul ready to understand, to question one's own certainties, to re-discuss one's own way and one's own forms of expressing faith.

100 months without Paolo Dall’Oglio
29 November 2021Riccardo Cristiano  

100 months without Paolo Dall’Oglio

On July 29, 2013, Jesuit Father Paolo Dall'Oglio was kidnapped in Raqqa, Syria. Since then there has been no certain news of him. A hundred months after that day, Riccardo Cristiano reconstructs the fact and the Christian temperament of the figure.

Belarus-Poland: the shadow of genocide
21 November 2021Riccardo Cristiano  

Belarus-Poland: the shadow of genocide

Iraq wants to bring 'home' its citizens willing to return from Belarus. Who are these people? How and why did they let themselves be used in this way?

Is Latin America still Catholic?
17 November 2021

Is Latin America still Catholic?

Latin America has always been spoken of as a Catholic continent. It is true that in our countries there are a great majority of people baptized in the Catholic Church but they are by tradition and custom with almost no impact in life: they have therefore a superficial and vulnerable faith.

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