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The situation on the Balkan route
07 November 2021Giordano Cavallari  

The situation on the Balkan route

Interview with Daniele Bombardi, contact person for Caritas Italiana projects in the Balkans. He lives in Sarajevo.

Cult, Devotion and Spirituality
25 October 2021Aimone Gelardi scj  

Cult, Devotion and Spirituality

In the Rule of Life of the Dehonians, the cult of the Sacred Heart has the traits attributed to it by the Church; the devotion incarnates today what the Founder lived in his time; the spirituality inspires a given style of life.

Reparation and Mercy in a context of conflict 
18 October 2021Daniel Kouobou scj  

Reparation and Mercy in a context of conflict 

"If our Dehonian charism is a richness for the Church and society, a gift of God for each one of us, it is also true that it can become mute for our societies in crisis if it is not pregnant with a global project of society, which responds to the thirsts of men and women of our time, in the real context of their daily existence."

Dehonian Editions in Italy close down
12 October 2021Lorenzo Prezzi  

Dehonian Editions in Italy close down

After 60 years, the Dehonian Editions of Bologna (Italy) close

Where is your brother? The risk of fraternity
11 October 2021Daniel Kouobou scj  

Where is your brother? The risk of fraternity

Is not the present violence a castration of the thirst for fraternity? It is therefore necessary to respond in a dignified way to current violence, which is a sign of existential decline, with the necessary risk of fraternity.

The Dehonian Congregation in the Mission of the Church
04 October 2021Angelo Arrighini scj  

The Dehonian Congregation in the Mission of the Church

One of the privileged ways to understand the state of the mind of a superior general is undoubtedly through his letters. Understand Fr. Bourgeois through his circular letters.

Devotion to the Sacred Heart: Continuity and Discontinuity
24 September 2021P. Stefano Zamboni scj  

Devotion to the Sacred Heart: Continuity and Discontinuity

Review of the volume edited by Franziska Metzge and Stefan Tertünte, which collects the acts of the colloquium which took place in Rome on November 8-9, 2019.

Amnesty International: report on Syria
12 September 2021Riccardo Cristiano  

Amnesty International: report on Syria

Former refugees tortured, raped, disappeared after returning home. Syrian security forces have subjected Syrians who returned home after seeking refuge abroad to detention, disappearance and torture, including sexual violence, Amnesty International said.

Handling China and the changing paradigms of international politics
06 September 2021Francesco Sisci  

Handling China and the changing paradigms of international politics

In his latest press conference, American President Joseph Biden, explaining the reasons for the withdrawal from Afghanistan. In this paradigm, China was crucial.

Léon Dehon. Spiritualité du Coeur du Christ et engagement sociétal
31 August 2021

Léon Dehon. Spiritualité du Coeur du Christ et engagement sociétal

Van Hai Ngo has published his study on the spirituality of Léon Dehon, founder of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, with Editions SCJ Clairefontaine.

Whose Afghanistan?
23 August 2021Francesco Sisci  

Whose Afghanistan?

The withdrawal of Western troops from Afghanistan has provoked deep soul-searching in the West. What have we done, and what are we doing now with that rugged land in the heart of Eurasia?

Not alongside or above, but “within” the people of God
16 August 2021Rino Cozza, csj  

Not alongside or above, but “within” the people of God

The serious question for religious life today is to relaunch the Gospel of the fraternity on a new basis, rich in imagination and evangelical wisdom.

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