His way is our way

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We want to gratefully renew our condition as disciples.

Even recognizing our fragility, we long to proclaim in every occasion and place that “his way is our way” (Cst. 12).

His way is our way

How to do this if not by contemplating and living the Gospel that has been given to us?

This is what our Founder assumed: “The Gospel is the book they must constantly study, meditate and, so to speak, devour”.

Love with open heart and mind

We are witnesses of God’s transforming love in souls and society. We spread God’s love around the world with open heart and mind.

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Dehonians | Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
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Tel. +39 328 930 5024
Dehonians | Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Priests of the Sacred Heart of JesusGeneralate
Via del Casale san Pio V, 20
00165 Roma, Italia
Tel. +39.06.660.560

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