02 July 2016
02 Jul 2016

Perpetual, First Profession of Vows and Ordination to Diaconate

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2016-07-01 PHI

On June 28, 2016, three (3) SCJs on temporary vows, one (1) Filipino: Bro. Dennis M. Macasero, SCJ, and two (2) Vietnamese: Bro. Dang Van Ngyen, SCJ and Bro. Luong Van Nguyen, SCJ, made their Final Profession of Vows in the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Also, during the same celebration seven (7) Novices, two (2) Filipino: Argol Chavez and Lloyd Cabatana and five (5) Vietnamese, Doan Nhon An Phuc, Do Ngoc Luan, Le Hai Linh, Do Van Tuan and Dinh The Hung, made their commitment to God by professing their first vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience in the same Congregation.

The ceremony took plcae during the Holy Eucharist at the Novitiate Fr.Dehon in Lower Lucoban, Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur.

The vows were taken in the presence of the members of SCJ Philippine Region, SCJ Vietnam District, quest priests and religious, members of families and friends of the professes and the Congregation.

The vows were accepted by the Philippine Regional Superior Fr. Franciszek Pupkowski, SCJ.

2016-07-01bis PHI

After the Final Profession of Vows,  the two (2) members of the Vietnam District and one (1) member of the Philippine Region: Bro. Dang Van Nguyen,SCJ,  Bro. Luong Van Nguyen, SCJ, and Bro. Dennis M. Macasero, SCJ were ordained deacons.

The celebration was held at the San Isidro Parish in Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur, Diocese of Pagadian on June 29, 2016. The three SCJs were ordained by the local bishop Most Rev. Emmanuel Cabajar DD, CSsR.

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