06 December 2024
06 Dec 2024

Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.

Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.
Reflection on the Second Sunday of Advent
by  Hervé Ndeffeu, SCJ
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Beloved in the Lord, through his incarnation which we celebrate on Christmas, the Lord chose to take on our human condition to show us the way to him.

In the Gospel of this Second Sunday of Advent, he invites us, through John the Baptist, to help prepare the way for ourselves and for others, to make straight his paths. It’s not that the Lord’s path is crooked, but sin prevents us from walking it smoothly. “Straight are the paths of the Lord, the just walk in them, but sinners stumble in them”; (Hos 14:10). We all know how hard it is for a drunkard to go a straight line. That’s the effect of sin in our life of faith. It prevents us from recognizing the obvious: the straightness of the Lord’s path.

To make straight the Lord’s path is therefore to cleanse ourselves and our neighbor of the sin that distorts the image of God in us. In this way, we will be able to experience make the experience described by the prophet Baruch, to see those whom sin had driven away coming back in triumph, because through the grace of conversion they return to the Lord. Following St. Paul’s example, let us pray for one another that our love may grow in Christ and purify our discernment.

God bless you all!

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