15 January 2025
15 Jan 2025

Priestly and Diaconate Ordination in Vietnam

On January 11, 2025, the Vietnam District celebrated the ordination of four deacons and two Priests.

by  Al. Tri madani SCJ

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On January 11, 2025, the Vietnam District celebrated the ordination of two deacons to the priesthood: fr. Giuse Nguyễn Văn Nam, SCJ, and fr. Giuse Đoàn Quang Hoàng Long, SCJ. Additionally, four brothers were ordained as deacons: Br. Phêrô Trần Cao Cường, SCJ, Br. Giuse Lê Hữu Đức, SCJ, Br. Giuse Hàm Văn Phương, SCJ, and Br. Vinh Sơn Lê Văn Tiệp, SCJ. The ordination ceremony took place at Tân Định Church in the Saigon Diocese.

Among the ordained, one hails from Northern Vietnam, while the others are from Central Vietnam. The celebration was presided over by Mgr. Phêrô Nguyễn Văn Khảm, Bishop of the Mỹ Tho Diocese. In his homily, Bishop Khảm emphasized two key points:

  1. Priests and deacons are called to proclaim the Gospel through their lives.
  2. They are to integrate pastoral work with prayer as a testament to their vocation, drawing inspiration from Fr. Dehon, the founder of the Congregation.

Following the ordination, the District Superior announced the new assignments: Fr. Long will serve as a formator in the Sacred Heart Community in Ho Chi Minh City, while Fr. Nam will return to Macau.

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