20 February 2023
20 Feb 2023

Provincial Assembly of Argentina 2023

The Dehonians of the Province of Argentina reflected on Dehonian identity and the sint unum. Father Arildo José Ferrari began his service as new provincial superior.

by  João Paulo Tabarelli Moreira, scj

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From January 30 to February 3, 2023, the religious of the Province of Argentina gathered at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Retreat House in Buenos Aires for their annual Assembly with the theme ‘We Walk Together – Sint Unum’. Twenty-five members from Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay participated. Juan Domingo Griffone and a presentation given by Fr. Quinto Regazzoni on the prayer of Jesus (ECCE VENIO, SINT UNUM and ADVENIAT REGNUM TUUM), which inspired us to an afternoon of reflection and meditation. In the evening we celebrated the Eucharist remembering those celebrating anniversaries of religious life and priestly ordination.

The following day we began the activities of the Assembly with the definitions of the moderator, the secretaries of minutes and bell ringer. This was followed by the reports and speeches of the outgoing provincial superior and the new superior, as well as those of the provincial treasurer and the General Councilor. The report of the last assembly held in 2022 was presented and the last three-year plan of the Province was reviewed in groups and received some contributions shared in plenary.

Father Bishop Virginio Bressanelli presented the theme of Dehonian Identity and values of religious life and in the evening of February 1, the Holy Mass of possession of the new Provincial Government was celebrated, in which Fathers Arildo José Ferrari, as Provincial Superior, the councilors Manoel Lourenço de Oliveira, Marcelo Andrés Reynoso, Hugo Javier Salas and Hector Ramón Gonzalez and also the bursar Leonardo Javier Zampa took office.

On Thursday, February 2, the penultimate sessions were held with orientations for the XI Ordinary Provincial Chapter, suggesting that it be held in two sessions, the first one next June and the second one in January of next year. The Day of Consecrated and Religious Life was also remembered with the Holy Mass presided by Fr. Virginio Bressanelli and concelebrated with all the participants of the assembly, in the Basilica of St. Joseph of Flores.

On Friday we celebrated the closing Mass and the last session with various matters and evaluations. In summary, the assembly was held in a very cordial atmosphere where the unification of the community of Paraguay with the Province was positively highlighted, as well as the missionary presence of the religious from India and Indonesia. We assumed as a priority the axes of Youth and Vocation Ministry, Fraternal Community Life and the Mission in the key Let us walk together with one heart.

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