The mission is an essential part of the Dehonian apostolate. That's why the new General Government has made it a key focus for the coming years.
The mission is described as a response to the Heart of Christ, an expression of reparative love and oblation spirituality.
Practical orientations:
Missionary renewal:
- Identify areas where the Dehonian presence can be expanded, particularly among the poor and marginalized.
- Integrate the Dehonian charism into parish, educational, and social projects.
Youth ministry:
- Establish Dehonian youth groups focused on the spirituality of the Heart of Christ through social activities, prayer, and volunteer work.
- Develop pedagogical materials for youth formation and evangelization.
Justice, peace, and integrity of creation:
- Promote ecological initiatives inspired by Laudato Si’ in communities and apostolic works.
- Launch awareness and social justice campaigns, paying special attention to excluded or vulnerable populations.
Conclusion of the Programmatic Letter
Pastoral Perspective: The letter is an invitation to live the reparative love of the Heart of Christ. Pastorally, it highlights the urgency of witnessing concrete fraternity and preferential service to the most vulnerable. This addresses the needs of the Church and the world, encouraging a pastoral approach rooted in the Gospel and reality.
Spiritual Perspective: Spiritually profound, the text calls religious to continuous conversion. Union with Christ is emphasized as the source of fruitfulness. The focus on the Word of God, the Eucharist, and fraternal communion underscores the essence of Dehonian religious life.
The Programmatic Letter 2024–2030 outlines a path toward renewed charismatic and missionary vitality, inviting religious to live their commitment to the Church and the world with authenticity and depth.