06 December 2024
06 Dec 2024

Renewal of commitment of dehonian lay people

The renewal of the commitment of the Lay Dehonians took place on Sunday 17 November at the Sanctuary of Saint Jude Thaddeus, São Paulo, Sector 1, Brazil.

by  Philomena Pina Figueiredo Bussab

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There were 3 lay people who made their first commitment and 20 lay people who renewed their commitment, some of whom made their last commitment.

The renewal Mass was celebrated by Father Igor Jerônimo Almeida Pereira, scj, the group’s ecclesiastical adviser, who spoke about the importance of lay commitment to the Congregation, ongoing formation and the journey of faith.

We wish all those who have made their first commitment and their renewal to remain ever faithful to the teachings of Father Dehon, following his charism ‘Reparation and Oblation’ and may God always bless them.

‘God does not know what to do with our knowledge and our works if our heart is not in them.’  (Father Dehon)

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