The young religious Roque Soares Forma (from Mozambique) and João Batista Freitas Souza (from Brazil) renewed their religious vows on Friday 24 January, the liturgical memorial of St Francis de Sales, one of the saints Father Dehon wanted as patron saints of the Congregation. The celebration, marked by sobriety, took place at the Provincial House and was presided over by the Provincial Superior, Fr João Nélio Pereira.
The religious vows of the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience are an expression of the consecration of one’s entire life to God. Through their religious profession, consecrated persons express to God their willingness to live their lives in the generous offering of each day. Something that, among SCJs, is renewed every day through the formula of the act of oblation, recited at morning prayers.
We thank God for the generous commitment of these two young men, who are continuing their journey of religious consecration in the Congregation of the Priests of the Heart of Jesus. We are also grateful for this opportunity to feel the Congregation spread throughout the world in the person of these two religious and in communion with the Provinces of Mozambique and Brazil-Recife.