24 March 2025
24 Mar 2025

SCJ Philippines Regional Assembly 2025

SCJ Philippines Regional Assembly 2025
The SCJ Philippines Regional Assembly 2025 held from February 17-21 at the Sacred Heart Formation House in Cagayan de Oro City, with the presence of the Superior General and a General Counsilor, from Rome.
by  Francis Pupkowski SCJ
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“I will give you shepherds after my own heart” (Jer. 3:15) was the theme of the SCJ Philippines Regional Assembly 2025, held from February 17-21 at the Sacred Heart Formation House in Cagayan de Oro City. This gathering brought together 29 members, including Fr. Carlos Luis Suárez Codorniú, General Superior of the Dehonians, and Fr. Augustinus Guntoro, SCJ General Councilor, from Rome.

The assembly aimed to deepen awareness of initial and ongoing formation, recognize its value, and enhance formation programs. Special focus was given to ongoing formation as a transformative process for spiritual renewal and pastoral effectiveness. Ongoing formation is essential in the life of a priest, as it fosters continuous growth in faith, deepens one’s commitment to ministry, and ensures adaptability to the evolving challenges of the Church and society. It is not merely a professional requirement but a lifelong journey of conversion, learning, and pastoral refinement, enabling priests to lead with wisdom, compassion, and fidelity to their vocation.

It began with a spiritual reflection by Fr. Nathaniel C. Lerio, SSJV, STL, from the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro, who discussed pastoral leadership and servant leadership in the Church. He highlighted Vatican II’s emphasis on lay participation and the leadership models of Popes John XXIII and Francis.

The morning included prayer, adoration, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, creating space for spiritual renewal, followed by personal sharing in the afternoon to strengthen fraternity.

Over the next two days, Fr. Chris U. de Guzman, SThD, from Nazaret Formation House in the Archdiocese of Lipa, led thought-provoking presentations on Priestly Formation, The Man Behind the Cassock: The Dark Side of the Priesthood, and The Way to Spirituality. On February 20, participants were divided into groups based on years in priesthood to discuss challenges in physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of life. Their insights will shape the Plan of Ongoing Formation to ensure adaptability to the needs of members and the Church.

The final day featured reports from commissions and updates on regional initiatives, reinforcing a shared vision and commitment. Despite a demanding schedule, the assembly was a rich experience of spiritual nourishment, intellectual engagement, and fraternal bonding, affirming the SCJ mission of forming shepherds after Christ’s own heart.


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