12 February 2021
12 Feb 2021

#scjnews | 2

#scjnews | 2
Connecting from Rome with Father Artur Sanecki, general counselor and head of the spirituality sector.
by  Sergio Rotasperti, scj
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What were the most significant spiritual events of 2020?

If we think about 2020 a great event was the theological seminar dedicated to Sint Unum in July. It produced a reflection that needs to be taken further. The material will be produced by the geo-cultural theological commissions.

In September, the Superior General wrote a letter regarding the new Dehonian liturgical calendar. It will need to be tested and improved.

The pandemic certainly marked the year and stimulated us to elaborate on this theme from a theological and spiritual perspective.

Do you have any theological reflections or conferences planned that relate to this time of pandemic?

The Theological Commissions have produced theological reflections that can also be found on the website, as well as reflections in light of Fratelli Tutti.

In recent days, a letter was sent to all entities of the congregation recalling three events: the centennial of the birth of Fr. Bourgeois, the sixth superior general; the 40th anniversary of the approval of the Constitutions; and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Dehonian Study Center.

These events remind us of one of the points in the programmatic letter of the current general administration: “take possession of the Rule” of life and actualize it. We want to promote the study and reflection of our sources among SCJs, especially information.

Bourgeois was a living testimony to renewal in light of the Second Vatican Council. This is a right and opportune path to take today.

Are you going to extend the  year until the Feast of the Sacred Heart in 2022?

Yes we are , a year that is extending until 2022 because we want there to be a broad path of awareness on the part of the Congregation.

In this regard, you propose a survey. What does it consist of?

It consists of a series of general questions addressed to the entire congregation. A series of questions are addressed to specific groups: superiors, treasurers and formators. The theme is the verification of the assimilation of the Rule of Life.

An important area is the spirituality centers. How far along are we?

Dehonian centers of spirituality are also a part of the programmatic letter of the general administration. There is still much to be done and explored. There will likely be a meeting in the fall of 2021, the form of which depends on how the pandemic situation evolves. We would like to give more visibility to the centers by networking them. We also believe it is important to have a joint presence on the web and we are working with the communications office to give greater visibility on our website.

One last question: what are we called to do in the face of so many proposals?

To believe in hope and rebirth. I am convinced that God will help us to find the strength in the coming months to deepen the journey of identity and to find ourselves again in the sharing of common projects.

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