21 May 2024
21 May 2024

Sint unum: chimera or reality?

We cannot think about social life without a reference to the notion of unity. It is in this light that this reflection is situated, which aims to rethink community life , from the African perspective.

by  Nicolas Nkeronki Mbemi, Scj

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We cannot think about life in society without mentioning the notion of unity. It is in this wake that this reflection takes place, which aims to rethink community life. Far from being a moral lesson, this reflection is the emanation of our observation of the way in which humans currently share their lives in society. This observation started from the questioning of the meaning of the notorious selfishness which, at present, seems to prevail over the meaning of sharing. Furthermore, this mentality of self-sufficiency sows division among men. Instead of building bridges of brotherhood, it erects the barriers that separate human beings. This is why we recourse to the Church and African culture to make humans understand that life is to be shared with others.
This article is available in French.

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