24 November 2021
24 Nov 2021

The 108th Anniversary of the death of Fr. André Prévot, scj

Fr. Andrè Prevot died in Brugelette (Belgium) on 26 November 1913.

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Love knows no measure.

From time to time I will tell myself:
you must not place a limit on your love.
When self-love tells me:
defend your rights, I will answer:
You must not place a limit on your love.
If laziness says:  you need some rest, I will answer:
You must not place a limit on your love.
If the wisdom of the world tells me not to forgive
In order not to lose self-worth, I will answer:
You must not place a limit on your love.
If I am embarrassed, tense, tired, I will tell myself:
Have courage! You must not place a limit on your love.
Then, on my part, when I will have need of help, counsel,
correction, consolation, perhaps forgiveness, support
for the body, for the soul, for myself or my brothers/sisters,
then I will turn to Jesus and say:
“Good master, you promised to use the same measure:
You too must not place a limit on your love”.


Fr. Andrè Prevot was born in Le Teil (France) on November 9, 1840. In 1885 he entered the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He was a Novice Master, then Provincial Superior and Assistant General. Throughout his religious life he consecrated himself to the love of the Heart of Jesus and to reparation. He practiced mortification; he loved the interior life and continuous prayer and was animated by an ardent zeal for the salvation of souls. His union with God was habitual and he had great devotion to the Eucharist and to Mary. Self-denial and austerity of life harmonized with charity, patience, gentleness and goodness. His books transfused all of his spiritual, humble, serene and confident features. He died in Brugelette (Belgium) on 26 November 1913.

Let us also pray for his beatification.


Divine Heart of Jesus, we adore you and love you
as the source of all grace and holiness.
Where a ray of your love rests,
the most beautiful virtues flourish.
Thus you loved Father Andrè Prévot.
Introducing him to the mysteries of your pierced Heart,
you gave him humility, a victim spirit,
and filial tenderness for Mary Most Holy.
Above all you inflamed his heart with divine love
and you made it beat to the rhythm of a charity that surpasses every measure.
Therefore we pray to you, O Divine Heart of Jesus,
to glorify your faithful Servant and to arouse in us a longing for holiness.
Guide us through the difficult paths of virtue,
especially of humility and mortification,
and, through his intercession,
grant us and our loved ones the gift of peace,
the grace that we ask of you…
and the final perseverance in your Heart.

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