01 May 2019
01 May 2019

The gathering of the Asian Dehonian Theological Commission

by  Michael Augustine, scj
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The annual gathering of the CTDAS (Asian Dehonian Theological Commission) was held from 26-28 April at SCJ Scholasticate in Eluru, India. Fr. Artur Sanecki scj (President CTID), Fr. Yudhistro scj (Co-ordinator, Indonesia), Fr. Purwanto scj (member, Indonesia), Fr. Delio scj (member, Philippines), Fr. Dominic Loc scj (member, Vietnam), Fr. Eduardo scj (member, ICA), Fr. Michael Augustine scj (Secretary, India) were present for the gathering. Fr. Yudhistro scj, the coordinator welcomed the gathering and specially welcomed the new member of CTDAS Fr. Dominic Loc who replaces Fr. Joseph from Vietnam. Fr. Arthur Sanecki, the General Councilor, gave us the inaugural address and conveyed the wishes of the General Administration and encouraged us to work together in the spirit of Sint unum to foster the same Dehonian Spirit in our Asian entities.

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During this gathering the statutes of the CTDAS were approved by the members with some modifications and the same will be sent to all the heads of the different SCJ Asian entities. Two scholarly papers were presented during the gathering by two of its members. Fr. Eduardo presented his article titled “Pierced side of Jesus”, while Fr. Delio presented his paper on “By His wounds you have been healed: Jesus’ Oblation in 1 Pet. 2:18-25”. On the second day, the CTDAS discussed at length about the Theological International Seminar to be held in Yaoundé, Cameroon.12-17 July 2020 on the theme “Sint Unum Today” and the preparatory work to be done by the CTDAS for the same. We are asked to work on the ‘ecological dimension of sin’ which affects the spirit of Sint unum and to submit our reflections to the coordinator by November 2019. Fr. Yudhistro, the current coordinator will terminate his office due to his new commitment to do his doctoral studies in Brussels, and so the CTDAS has elected Fr. Delio as the new coordinator. The next annual gathering of the CTDAS will be held in Macau from 17-20 April 2020 and will finalize its contribution to the International Theological Seminar in July 2020. The members of the CTDAS is very grateful to the Indian District for hosting this annual gathering and for their fraternal hospitality and warmth.

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