10 May 2024
10 May 2024

The General Chapters, ferments of growth of a Dehonian conscience in Africa

The General Chapters, ferments of growth of a Dehonian conscience in Africa
In preparation of the 25th General Chapter, we asked some Dehonians to write reflections. Fr. Joseph Kuate proposes an article on the reception of 'Sint Unum' in the African context.
by  Joseph Kuate, SCJ
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This article reviews the General Chapters of the Congregation to examine how they have been the ferment in the promotion of Sint Unum in the entities of Africa. Our research has enabled us to discover that these chapters are true agents of transformation and of awareness of the individual and collective responsibilities of the entities. Above all, we would like to urge the major superiors of Africa to be attentive to this and to always seek to promote the implementation of the intuitions put forward at these General Assemblies at continental level, either through regional conferences or through our regional conferences.
Article available in French.

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