20 September 2019
20 Sep 2019

The meeting of International Coordinating Group of the Dehonian Family

by  Bruno Pilati, scj
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From September 19th (Thursday) until the 21st (Saturday), the International Coordinating Group (GCI) of the Dehonian Family has scheduled a meeting in the SCJ Generalate.  The members elected in 2017 representing the different vocations are present: Vicente Bruno Cavalcanti de Oliveira of the Brazil Southern Province and Rosalie Grace Escobia of the Philippines for the lay vocation; Silvia Bertozzi for the consecrated women and institutes; and Fr. Bruno Pilati for the SCJs.

In the beginning of May 2018, the group had already gathered and has continued pondering on the work of the International Coordination Group (GCI) of the Dehonian Family, describing the tasks and responsibilities of each of the members and in relation to the various vocations (laity, consecrated persons, and SCJS) who want to live in communion.

The coordinating group is the entity which recognizes, strengthens and gives continuity to the growing Dehonian Family, a communion of vocations that refer to the faith/spiritual experience of Fr. Dehon.

The objective of this meeting is to reach an agreement regarding the definitions of the aspects and elements characterizing the Dehonian Family.  Also, to make an outline of our way of proceeding, confirming what is already clear and shared and at the same time to prepare a path for sharing and deepening for further understanding and maturity together in communion.

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