On Monday, September 26, 2016, the Fr. Dehon Committee met at the Generalate for the first time. The committee’s task is to move forward the cause for the founder’s beautification.
Present at the meeting were Frs. Heiner Wilmer (superior general), Fernando Rodríguez Garrapucho (chairman of the committee), Celson Altenhofen (member), Célestin Tshimbundu (member), Jean Jacques Flammang (invited), and Pedro Curto (secretary general).
Fr. General emphasized the positive reaction of the confreres of the Congregation to the appointment of this committee. He asked the group to develop an appropriate plan for actions and interventions. In this sense, the group has defined some of the purposes of its work: to focus on the theme; update data necessary to work toward beatification; define a precise plan for meetings with various ecclesial bodies and religious; and work in a thoughtful manner toward appropriate goals. The CSD can contribute to the work, also the meeting of the formators which will start next year.
It is important to have a complete picture of all of the realities, not just to reduce attention to important issues but to give proper context so that they can be understood. The committee set an agenda for its work that is expected to begin in November.