08 April 2019
08 Apr 2019

The meeting of the Major Superiors of Dehonian entities in Europe

by  Levi Ferreira, scj
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2019-04-08 Europa1

On Monday, April 1-4, 2019,  the major superiors of Europe, superiors of the European Districts and Regions, representatives from youth ministry, and also the General Council with the Superior General, gathered in Neustadt in Germany.

One of the purposes of this gathering was to present to the superiors the results of a questionnaire that youth work delegates did in different provinces of Europe regarding typical Dehonian ministries with young people. They wanted to know if the way we work today in our parishes and youth centers leaves a Dehonian imprint. They wanted to know from these young people if they knew that we are Dehonians and if the positive values they adopt in their own lives come from our efforts.

The vocational theme was also discussed. We need to discover new ways of talking to young people. The profile of today’s youth was another topic. University ministry offers us a broad field of pastoral and vocational work. Adult vocations are an increasingly present reality. We must learn to adapt to these changes.

The “My Mission” project promises to be a valuable experience for the young people with whom we work. We want to implement it.

2019-04-08 Europa2

Father José Agostinho (POR), is the current coordinator of the major superiors. He presented the need to discuss the structures of the SCJ presence in Europe, including new presences. The European scholasticate was also an important topic.

Father General, starting from the experience of Paul in Acts 20: 9-10, reminded us of the story of the young man who fell from the third floor but did not die. Paul found life in him. We are all invited to look for life in our young people.

We have found so much life in our sharing. There is also a lot of life in religious life despite the many challenges it must address in this new European reality.

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