Back in December 2021, the members of the International Theological Commission of the Congregation came together to identify the topic of the next theological seminar of the congregation, they became aware of this: that almost everywhere in the world, people were starting to rethink the economy, and that means to think about what kind of economy could lead us towards a future for all.
Which kind of economy would not be part of the problem, but part of the solution of the global challenges we are facing with our planet and humanity? And thus, the topic identified was this: “Towards an economy for all: Inclusive, sustainable and just”.
The members of the Commission thought that this would be an appropriate topic for our congregation, having Fr. Dehon, a founder who in his time committed to rethink economy, an economy that, according to him, would be part of the solution of the social issues of his time.
The members also decided that this seminar would take place from Monday the 8th to Thursday the 11th of May 2023 and that it would take place at the ESIC University in Madrid.
Why? ESIC University, as you know, is an apostolate of the Spanish Province of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, is a university dedicated to marketing, economy and similar subjects. In the dynamic of the seminar, we will have on the first day, Monday, May 8th, in collaboration with ESIC, bringing together scholars from different parts of the world, from Latin America, North America, Africa, Europe, for example. Scholars with diverse backgrounds, who will speak from a background of theology, economy, sociology and other fields of research.
They will offer us their opinions about what type of economy is capable to lead us towards a future for the planet and for humanity. So, the first day will be a day of listening and discussion. The other three days will be dedicated to the discussions among the members of the continental theological commissions of the congregation.
They will discuss what they have heard in the first day of the seminar, they will discuss what they have prepared ahead of the seminar, and they will also discuss what are the consequences also for the Dehonians in the world, following ideas and aspects of an economy capable of a future for all.