08 February 2018
08 Feb 2018

Thinking about the summer …

by  Maria Ceraolo
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Scheduling things on time with adequate preparation is a way to guarantee that things are done as well as possible. And if such important commitments involve a large number of young people, then everything becomes more important and becomes a source of joy.

The recent meeting of the International Dehonian Volunteers at the Spirituality Center of Alfragide-Lisbon (Portugal), is one such step.

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This was the first meeting organized in view of the commitments scheduled for next summer. These are missionary commitments that young Dehonian volunteers have decided to undertake, with a great spirit of altruism and a desire for cooperation, which unites them with people from different parts of Europe: Portugal, Spain, Germany, and Italy.

During the past weekend, 83 young people had the opportunity to take a look at the various volunteer projects that the Congregation wants to put in place and listen to the direct testimonies of those who have already had the opportunity to do this experience. There are many places to do such service, in different places of the world where Dehonians are present in various apostolates. But in addition to volunteering in distant places, young participants were told — through different workshops — how a person can be a volunteer without straying too far from home, making themselves available to those who need them and who are in our daily environment, putting into practice the desire for volunteerism that these young people demonstrate.

The next stage of preparation for the International Dehonian Volunteer program includes a meeting on April 27, 2018, in Padua (Italy). There, young people will be able to continue their volunteer training and on that occasion, will be given the destinations where they will be sent to perform their service.

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