Three general councilors elected
We are happy to announce that three general councilors have been elected this morning by the members of the XXV General Chapter gathered in Rome.
Fr. Levi dos Anjos Ferreira (52) was born in Brazil on May 8, 1972; professed first vows on February 25, 1994, final vows on February 23, 2002, and was ordained to the Priesthood on December 14, 2002. Fr. Levi worked as a missionary in Germany in school chaplaincy, and lately he has been serving the Congregation as a General Councilor from 2018 to 2024;
Fr. Charles Aime Koudjou (48) was born in Cameroun on July 5, 1975; professed first vows on August 12, 2000, final vows on August 12, 2005, and was ordained to the Priesthood on March 29, 2008. In his home country, Fr. Charles worked as a formator, before being called to Rome to serve as General Councilor in the last four years;
Fr. Renzo Brena (67) was born in Italy on September 28, 1956; professed first vows on September 29, 1976, final vows on November 24, 1979, and was ordained to the Priesthood on September 19, 1981. Fr. Renzo is the current provincial superior of the North Italian Province (ITS).
We pray that the Sacred Heart of Jesus may guide our confreres in their new ministry, and that Mary may keep them under her care.
Congratulations to the elected councilors!