Not only current issues but also those concerning the possible future of Dehonians in Europe were the object of reflection and decisions taken by the superiors of the European entities. This annual meeting had another character; for the first time the superiors gathered as the Conference of Superiors of SCJ Entities in Europe (COSENEUR) with the statutes approved this year by the general government.
The meeting took place in Alfragide, at Nossa Senhora de Fatima Seminary. For three days (21-23 October), superiors had the opportunity to share their hopes and anxieties for the realities they live in. The final message of the 25th General Chapter and the speeches of Pope Francis during his apostolic visit to Luxembourg and Belgium last September were proposed as the starting point.
On the Future of Dehonians in Europe
Questions were asked about the inner state of our confreres, how is the evolution of the Dehonian identity in common life, and finally if the missionary spirit affects our pastoral activities. ‘Are we ready to establish more relations with others, to share our mission?’ – These questions resonated in the various themes discussed during the meeting. Considering the average age of the Dehonians in Europe, this seems to be the elderly continent in the Congregation. It still has much to offer to the Congregation, not only in terms of material resources, but also for the integral formation of confreres and hospitality. Listening to the new generations of Dehonians was emphasized, because they will be responsible for a future reorganization of our structures.
The superiors of the entities have shared their initiatives for the jubilee that is approaching and will now have a much broader dimension than previously thought. Not only the centenary of the death of the Founder will be celebrated, but also the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Dehonians. This is why the General Government has asked that a continental commission be created to better prepare and coordinate the jubilee. The European commission will be composed of confreres who are already members of the general commission: Fr. José Agostinho (POR) – coordinator, Fr. Ángel Alindado (ESP), Fr. Stanisław Zawiłowicz (FIN), Fr. Joseph Famerée (EUF), and Fr. Stefano Zamboni (ITS) coordinator of the European Dehonian Theological Commission (CTDEU). A theological seminar in Clairefontaine, planned for August 7 to 9, 2025 has been chosen as a joint initiative for Europe. Its format will be similar to that of 2017, i.e. it will have the character of a reading workshop, rather than that of conferences presented by specialists. The title will be ‘Fr. Dehon’s social legacy’.
On the economic issue
‘How are aid requests handled in the various entities’ was the question touched upon in the discussions. The criteria practiced in the German province was used as basis for consideration. Although there are no common rules for the Dehonian entities, the need for better communication between the entities and the general bursar’s office emerged.
As it was last time, the COSENEUR meeting coincided with the meeting of the entity bursars. Among the topics discussed in common session were the role of the General Commission for Economic Affairs and the way the General Aid Fund works, which, as explained by the General Bursar, is only one form of congregational solidarity.
The COSENEUR office
For its president, COSENEUR has chosen Fr. Stefano Zamboni (ITS) for a two-year term, and Fr. Stefan Tertünte (GER) as vice-president. Fr. Radosław Warenda (POL) was the elected secretary.
The next in-person meeting of COSENEUR will be organized in cooperation with the Southern Italy Province, in Briatico, in October 2025.