23 January 2023
23 Jan 2023

We returned to Rome in the year 2000 and preparing Lisbon 2023


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“Yes, dear friends, Christ loves us, He loves us always!”



The hymn “Emmanuel” was the hallmark of WYD 2000 in Rome, Italy. The theme was: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. The light of the Great Jubilee, proclaimed by the bull, Tertio MillennioAdveniente, guides pilgrims from all over the world towards Christ. On the esplanade of Tor Vergata, on the19th August, more than 2 million young people take part in the vigil presided over by John Paul II. “Dear young people of the century that is beginning – the Pope says at the end of an intense dialogue – by saying “yes” to Christ, you say “yes” to each of your noblest ideals. I ask Christ to reign in your hearts and in humanity in the new century and millennium. Do not be afraid to entrust yourselves to Him: He will guide you and give you the strength to follow Him every day, in every situation.

(Vatican News, 2019)



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