With open heartSpirituality guides our service

Teach me to be a pastor who never abandons his flock
07 November 2022Zacheaus Tembo, SCJ  

Teach me to be a pastor who never abandons his flock

Dehonian and a priest. A spiritual reflection

Death of the first Superior General and Founder
10 August 2022

Death of the first Superior General and Founder

Venerable Fr. Léon Jean du Cœur de Jésus DEHON
(March 14, 1843 – August 12, 1925)

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the anthropology of the heart in Africa
01 July 2022Joseph Kuaté, scj  

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the anthropology of the heart in Africa

A re-reading of the spirituality of the Sacred Heart from the African anthropology of the heart.

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