26 April 2024
26 Apr 2024

XXV General Chapter: openings to theology

XXV General Chapter: openings to theology
In preparation for the XXV General Chapter, we asked some Dehonians to write reflections . Fr. Juan José Arnaiz Ecker reflects on the theme of "transformation"
by  Juan José Arnaiz Ecker, SCJ
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During the last gathering of the Dehonian International Theological Commission in Rome in early December 2023,we had the opportunity to meet the preparatory commission for the next general chapter. In the dialogue between the two commissions, the ‘idea of reflecting more deeply on the theme of the next general chapter was born.

The task of a theological reflection on the different elements of the content of the chapter theme was then addressed to the members of the different continental theological commissions, operating in the five continents of the current Dehonian presence in the world. The fruit of the work of these our confreres are articles, a kind of resource book made available online for our readers.

The main purpose is to accompany the confreres and to the Dehonian Family in these months before the XXV General Chapter. We hope that this initiative will be a useful tool not only to set us on the path toward the chapter, but also to open our hearts and minds to this event that involves us all.

Fr. Artur Sanecki SCJ

Fr. Juan José Arnaiz Ecker SCJ presents the theological scope of the theme of the upcoming General Chapter, emphasizing the aspects of vocation, charism and mission. An important question is, “What do we need to transform in ourselves and in the congregation to serve the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus and humanity today?” Read article in Italian.

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