Spiritual path lay dehonians

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 4|4
24 November 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 4|4

Year Four: For the life of the World.
"That they may have life and have it in abundance"(John 10.10)

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 3|4
24 November 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 3|4

Year Three: The path of faith of fr. Dehon
"They will look on the one whom they have pierced" (John 19.37)

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 2|4
24 November 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 2|4

Year Two: Encountering Jesus with fr. Dehon.
"He loved me and gave Himself up for me" (Gal 2.20)

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 1|4
24 November 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 1|4

Year One: Becoming acquainted with dehonian life
“Come and see” (John 1.39)

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