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Country: Angola

Angola: 20 years of Dehonian presence
03 April 2024Bienvenu Pika, SCJ  

Angola: 20 years of Dehonian presence

On 14 March 2024, on the occasion of Father Dehon's birthday, the District of Angola celebrated 20 years of presence on Angolan soil.

New administration in Angola
12 May 2022

New administration in Angola

Father Bienvenu Pika new superior of the district

“Our carism and spirituality are full of challenges that can build a better world today”
25 August 2021Boris Igor Signe, scj  

“Our carism and spirituality are full of challenges that can build a better world today”

Father Felisberto Juliana Dumbo, scj was ordained a priest on August 14 in the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, in the Diocese of Viana. The second Angolan Dehonian answered our questions.

Priestly ordination in Angola
14 August 2021

Priestly ordination in Angola

On 14 August, Deacon Felizberto Juliana Dumbo, SCJ will be ordained a priest in Viana, Angola.

The 6th District Assembly of the District of Angola
17 May 2019Léopold Mfouakouet, scj  

The 6th District Assembly of the District of Angola


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