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Country: Cameroon
Final profession in Cameroon
Saturday the 7th of December 2024 was a day of great joy in our Cameroonian Province. Five of its members did their perpetual profession.
Perpetual vows (CMR)
Eight new priests in Cameroon
Saturday April 13, 2024 was a day of celebration and joy for the entire Congregation, and especially for the Cameroon Province, with the ordination to the presbyterate of eight confrere members of this Province.
6th CMR Provincial Chapter, a synodal moment
The Cameroonian Province held its 6th Provincial Chapter in two sessions, the first in July 2023 and the second in early January this year. A true moment of province celebration, in the presence of Father Charles Aimée Koudjou, General Councilor.
Formation for perpetual vows in the province of Cameroon
With the participation of 8 scholastics, a formation for perpetual vows was held at the Ndoungué Novitiate from July 10 to August 04, 2023, under the theme: "Religieux Dehoniens et le Vécu des Vœux dans les contextes du Temps Présent".
Dehonian vocation ministry in Cameroon
The field of Dehonian vocation ministry is very fruitful in Cameroon.
Four new priests in Cameroon
On April 15, 2023, four Dehonians were consecrated priests at Sacred Heart Parish in Bafoussam, Cameroon. It was not only a spiritual moment rich in emotions, but also a historical reminder of the Dehonian mission in Cameroon and Chad.
Father Dehon to young and confreres in formation
Father Nilson Helmann spoke about Father Dehon to young and confreres in formation.
There is no economy without spirituality and solidarity
Continental Meeting of the African entities’ bursars in Cameroon, with the presence of the general bursar.
The Ndoungue Novitiate: an example of Dehonian internationality
Baptized "Sacred Heart House" on October 1, 1979, this novitiate house in Cameroon adopted the international option from the beginning.