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Country: Democratic Republic of Congo

Presbyteral and diaconal ordinations in the Congolese Province
24 January 2025Dieudonné Munia SCJ  

Presbyteral and diaconal ordinations in the Congolese Province

At the beginning of 2025, the Province of the DRC was blessed with the gift of new sacred ministers. Six priests and two deacons were ordained in three different dioceses.

Can anything good come from the east of the DRC?
13 January 2025Lambert Birwinyo-Iwu Ulwortho  

Can anything good come from the east of the DRC?

People are ready to do anything to survive and corruption becomes the high road.

Celebration of Dehonian memory
04 December 2024

Celebration of Dehonian memory

On the occasion of the celebration of Dehonian memory, confreres of the Congolese Province visited the Makiso cemetery, where our martyred missionaries are buried.

DR Congo: Installation of the new Provincial Administration
28 October 2024Yanick-Dominique Nzanzu Maliro, Scj   

DR Congo: Installation of the new Provincial Administration

The new administration of the Province of Congo was installed on Sunday 29 September 2024.

Congo-Kivu: a voice that screams
10 October 2024Furaha Apipawe  

Congo-Kivu: a voice that screams

Coming from Minova, Kalehe territory in South Kivu province, a boat named MV MERDI capsized in the waters of Lake Kivu on Thursday 3 October at around 11am.

Congo: tribal conflict over land
28 May 2024Yanick Nzanzu Maliro  

Congo: tribal conflict over land

Since February 2023, a land dispute has been ongoing between the Lengola and Mbole communities in the urban-rural commune of Lubunga, Kisangani

Goma, a dying city
13 May 2024Yanick Nzanzu Maliro  

Goma, a dying city

The Democratic Republic of Congo is in a state of war. For nearly three decades, the eastern part of the country has been suffering under repeated clashes. Not a day goes by without not one but several men and women dying as a result of the war.

The inhuman conditions of refugees in North Kivu
16 March 2024Louange Kahasi  

The inhuman conditions of refugees in North Kivu

The war in Kivu or the banality of human life: the naked lives of millions of Congolese. That's all we can say about the Congolese genocide.

Young SCJs dedicate themselves to God
06 March 2024Dominique NZANZU, SCJ  

Young SCJs dedicate themselves to God

The Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo had the joy this February of seeing vocations flourish through perpetual professions and ordinations to the diaconate and the priesthood.

Congo: travel impressions /1
22 January 2024Yanick N. Maliro-J'écris  

Congo: travel impressions /1

From January 10 to 15, editorial meetings were held in Kinshasa between the African magazine J'écris and two representatives of the SettimanaNews editorial team. The project is supported by the Superior General of the Congregation, Father Carlos Luis Suarez Codorniú.


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