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Country: Finland

Christmas in Finland
07 January 2025Paweł Szlezinger SCJ  

Christmas in Finland

During the Christmas celebrations, we met the parish church of St. Brigid and Blessed Hemming in Turku, Finland. An ethnically diverse community with around 2,500 parishioners, from 70 countries.

Martti Savijoki, SCJ was ordained a priest
01 July 2022Emil Anton  

Martti Savijoki, SCJ was ordained a priest

Martti Savijoki, SCJ, of Pentecostal background, was ordained to the priesthood at St. Mary's Church in Helsinki on Saturday, June 11, 2022.

“Ready to serve where I am most needed and where I have the most to give”
26 October 2021

“Ready to serve where I am most needed and where I have the most to give”

On Saturday, October 16, the diaconal ordination of Martti Savijoki was celebrated in St. Mary's Church in Helsenki (FIN).

“A Brother among Brothers and Sisters”
18 January 2021Martti Savijoki, scj  

“A Brother among Brothers and Sisters”

Interview with Bishop Emeritus Teemu Sippo SCJ.


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